How is platelet-rich plasma used to promote healing?
Dr. James discusses how platelet-rich plasma used to promote healing. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used to try to speed up the healing process both after injuries and for some chronic conditions, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
It is not completely clear yet how PRP works, according to the AAOS, but studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP are what can help speed up healing.
There are two ways PRP is used, according to the AAOS:
- It can be carefully injected into an injured area. The pain in the area typically gets worse in the first couple weeks, then it gets better.
- It can be used to speed the healing process after surgery. Rather than be injected, the PRP is prepared in a way that it can be stitched into the torn tissue.
Talk to your doctor for more information about PRP and how it promotes healing.
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