What are signs that could indicate that a mom or dad needs support while they are adjusting to having a new baby?
Dr. Joshua Ordway discusses signs that could show a mom or dad of a new baby needs support. Click play to watch the video or? read the transcript.
What are signs that could indicate that a mom or dad needs support while they are adjusting to having a new baby?
Having a new baby at home can be a wonderful, uplifting experience. One that gives you the confidence and the happiness that you never thought you'd experience, but sometimes you might need support. There can be subtle signs that a parent is struggling with this new baby at home. Maybe you're not participating in a conversation the way you usually would, maybe you're not talking to people as frequently as you usually would, maybe you're not doing fun things that you used to like to do. These are little things that people can pick up on to try to help a new parent cope with any new stressors that might be associated with this wonderful gift to get them through this potentially trying time to make sure that they're mentally and physically healthy.
Do you have a friend or family member who recently had a baby? It can be such a joyful time with lots to celebrate, but it can also be overwhelming for the new parents at times.
Many new parents feel guilty asking for help, so it’s important to watch for subtle signs that they might need some extra support, Premier Physician Network (PPN) physicians say.
Not participating as much as usual in conversations, not talking to people as often as usual, and avoiding fun things they would usually enjoy doing can all be signs that a new parent needs some extra care and attention.
Being part of a support network of friends and family is one of the best gifts you can give new parents. Offering to pick up groceries, watch the baby while a parent naps, or just being available to sit and talk are all part of what parents of newborns need to get them through the first few weeks with their new baby in a happy, healthy way.
Talk to your doctor for more information about signs a new mom or dad might need help adjusting to their new baby at home.