What can you do prior to a knee revision surgery that will help with your outcome?

Dr. Richard Davis II offers helpful tips that patients can follow to improve their outcomes following revision total knee replacement surgery. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.

What can you do prior to a knee revision surgery that will help with your outcome?

There are a few ways that, as the patient, you can help the surgeon to allow your body to heal appropriately and do well after surgery. One of them is to quit smoking. A lot of people hear this, they've tried to do this before and this is a good reason and a good time to do that. Smoking itself and the chemicals in that cause decreased blood flow to the incision site which can decrease your healing rate and cause wound healing issues. Smoking also increases your infection rate, which can require additional procedures down the road. So that's one of the main things you can do is to quit smoking, that will help you long-term during your recovery. Another way to help is just eating a well-balanced diet, specifically eating a good amount of protein. Protein helps with wound healing, incisional healing and overall it will make your functional outcome better.


There are a few ways as a patient that you can help the surgeon to allow your body to heal appropriately and do well after surgery. One of them is to quit smoking. A lot of people have tried to do this before, but this really is a good reason and a good time to quit. Smoking itself and the chemicals in cigarette smoke cause decreased blood flow to the incision site, which can decrease your healing rate and cause wound healing issues. Smoking also increases your infection rate, which can require additional procedures down the road. So one of the main things you can do is to quit smoking, and that will help your long-term recovery. Another way to help is to eat a well-balanced diet, and specifically eating a good amount of protein. Protein helps with wound healing, incisional healing, and it will make your overall functional outcome better.

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