What type of response have you seen in patients who have had a subchondroplasty procedure?
Dr. James Klosterman discusses how his patients have responded after having subchondroplasty. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.
What type of response have you seen in patients who have had a subchondroplasty procedure?
I think our outcomes have been consistent with the literature, 80% reduction in baseline discomfort in 80% of our patients, and so far, we have not seen a patient back who's asking for more additional treatment.

Premier Physician Network (PPN) physicians say that most of their patients who have had a subchondroplasty procedure have positive results.
About 80 percent of patients have an 80 percent reduction in baseline knee pain and discomfort.
For more information about how patients have responded to a subchondroplasty procedure, talk with your doctor.