Who is a good candidate for subchondroplasty procedure?
Dr. James Klosterman discusses who makes a good candidate for the subchondroplasty procedure. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.
Who is a good candidate for subchondroplasty procedure?
The best candidate for this procedure is somebody who has pain in their knee, consistent with a diagnosis of arthritis, who has a bone marrow lesion on MRI consistent with the diagnosis, who's active and is trying to avoid a more invasive knee replacement procedure.

A subchondroplasty procedure might be for you if you have knee pain that is consistent with arthritis, Premier Physician Network (PPN) physicians say.
You must also have an MRI showing a bone marrow lesion.
If you enjoy being active, but have some of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about whether the subchondroplasty procedure might be right for you.
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