The Heart Institute of Dayton Funds Hands-Only CPR Kiosk

Provides Training in a Lifesaving Skill

Dayton, Ohio (August 24, 2017) – Today, at the Dayton International Airport, a Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk will be unveiled thanks to funds provided by The Heart Institute of Dayton (THID) and a collaboration between THID, the Miami Valley Division of the American Heart Association and the airport. The Hands-Only CPR Kiosk, now located on Concourse A, will provide the opportunity to access training that may be needed in a lifesaving situation.

“Each year more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of a hospital and many of these take place in public places,” said Dr. David Joffe, president of THID. “We hope to introduce thousands of people to how simple Hands-Only CPR can be and give them the confidence to step in and help when they see someone in trouble. CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac victim’s chance of survival.” 

The kiosk features an interactive touchscreen, brief video, and a practice session with a rubber torso. In about 5 minutes, travelers can learn how simple it is to perform two steps of Hands-Only CPR.

“Improving the health of the communities we serve, is our mission and passion,” said Eloise Broner, president Good Samaritan Hospital (closed in 2018) and THID Board Chair. “This educational community asset will introduce a lifesaving skill to people across our region and beyond. We believe we are helping to save lives.”

To learn more about the Hands-Only CPR campaign, visit

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