Michael S. Guy, MD
Gynecologic OncologyArticles

Your Ovarian Cancer Journey: Diagnosis, Staging And Treatment
A gynecologic oncologist explains the typical process.

Don’t Ignore Warning Signs of Uterine Cancer
Abnormal vaginal bleeding calls for a doctor visit. Now.

What causes cervical cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy explains the cause of cervical cancer.

What are risk factors for endometrial cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy talks about the risk factors for endometrial cancer.

What are some genetic recommendations and test options for ovarian cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy discusses the genetic and testing recommendations for ovarian cancer.

What are some genetic recommendations and testing options for cervical cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy talks about the genetic and testing recommendations for cervical cancer.

What are some genetic recommendations and testing options for gynecologic cancers?
Dr. Michael Guy talks about the genetic and testing recommendations for gynecologic cancers.

What are some symptoms and risk factors to uterine cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy explains the symptoms and risk factors of uterine cancer.

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy discusses the symptoms of cervical cancer.

What are the types of uterine cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy talks about the different types of uterine cancer .

What are treatments for uterine cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy talks about the treatments available for uterine cancer.

What can one do to lower the chances of getting cervical cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy explains what women can do to decrease their chance of getting cervical cancer.