Anessa D. Alappatt, MD
Family MedicineArticles

Your Guide To Healthy Bones At Every Age
Think good bone health matters only for the elderly? Think again!

3 Ways to Stay Active with Exercise-Induced Asthma
If asthma makes you huff and puff, don’t let it blow away your will to exercise!


Health Tips - Generalized Anxiety Disorder
If you’re consumed with worrying – about finances, family, work, or anything else – and it’s getting in the way of day-to-day life, you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Dr. Anessa Alappatt explains how you can recognize it and how to treat it.

What are seasonal allergies?
Dr. Anessa Alappatt explains what seasonal allergies are and the symptoms associated with them.

What is asthma?
Dr. Anessa Alappatt, a family physician at Premier HealthNet explains asthma and the symptoms associated with it.