Vegan Chickpea Salad
- Servings: 21
- Calories: 274
A rich source of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, the Vegan Chickpea Salad is a satisfying, nutritious, easy-to-make choice for lunch. Get the recipe now.

- Chickpeas
- Chocolate
- Dessert
- Heart-Healthy
- Quick and Easy
- Recipes
- Snack/Appetizer
- Snack/Appetizer
- Year-Round
Dessert Chocolate Hummus
- Servings: 14
- Calories: 159
This chocolate hummus dessert recipe provides a healthy, yet sweet, twist to snacking, rich in minerals, fiber, and protein. Read now.

Crispy Chickpeas
- Total: 50 minutes
- Servings: 6
- Calories: 147
This tasty, nutritious snack does double duty on salads and in rice and pasta dishes. Try the recipe now!