What are some common symptoms of tension headaches?

What are some common symptoms of tension headaches?

Dr. Richard Kim of the Clinical Neuroscience Institute describes the symptoms of tension headaches.

What are the treatment options for tension headaches?

What are the treatment options for tension headaches?

Dr. Richard Kim of the Clinical Neuroscience Institute talks about tension headache treatments.

What are some triggers for migraines?

What are some triggers for migraines?

Dr. Richard Kim of the Clinical Neuroscience Institute talks about migraine triggers.

What are cluster headaches?

What are cluster headaches?

Dr. Richard Kim of the Clinical Neuroscience Institute talks about cluster headaches.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural?

Dr. Juan Reina discusses the advantages and disadvantages of epidurals.

What is a safe sleep environment for my baby?

What is a safe sleep environment for my baby?

Sheree Young, RN, CPLC, explains what safe sleep environments for babies are.

Are you getting enough sleep?

Are you getting enough sleep?

Mazen Dallel, MD: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

How do flu vaccines work?

How do flu vaccines work?

Dr. Joshua Ordway talks more about how flu vaccines work.

How and why is bone health important for a woman?

How and why is bone health important for a woman?

Dr. Anessa Alappatt talks more about the importance of bone health for women.