There are many types of weight loss medications, but weight loss medication generally speaking is a pharmaceutical or chemical that is going to help you lose weight, whether it is through appetite suppression or increase in metabolism or there are few other ways to do that as well. The most common weight loss medication we typically see around here are things such as Adipex which is a stimulant based that causes decrease in appetite and a little increase in metabolism.
How are the over-the-counter of weight loss medications different from what a physician would prescribe?
There are many types of over-the-counter weight loss supplements as well and I’ll call them supplements, because they’re not approved by the FDA. Anything that’s prescribed by a physician would have to be approved by the FDA for weight loss, but there are lot of over- the-counter ones that are not and those who want to do a little more research on, you should always do a lot of research on anything, you’re going to put in your body, but certainly the over-the-counter ones do a lot of research on. You want to make sure you know what you’re getting.