Women with endometriosis can get pregnant. Certainly may be a little more of a challenge in some patients depending on how severe the condition is. Some women conceive with ease and totally natural way and don't need any fertility assistance. But fortunately there are many different ways to help women get pregnant if they carry a diagnosis of infertility. Some of the reasons that someone with endometriosis might have a challenge getting pregnant may have to do with the inflammation that the endometriosis has caused inside the pelvis which could lead to scar tissue of the fallopian tubes or the ovaries or the uterus and to make it more challenging for that egg to get to where it needs to be to conceive. Other times their pelvis may look great and not have any problems with scar tissue yet there's still something biochemically about endometriosis that makes becoming pregnant a bit of a challenge. There are lots of different ways and medications and procedures that can be used for women who need them to achieve pregnancy in a minimally invasive way.