Well, the question of how frequently cardiac exams, cardiac screens, physical exams should be done is still in debate to some extent. What we like to see is a physical examination once a year while the athletes are younger, high school and down. In college, we do them every two years. The advanced or the more sophisticated cardiac screen, which would be an EKG, is now recommended just once, but probably we're trending to doing it twice in high school, every two years, and once in college, but I see that changing to every two years in college as well.
The reason is that the cardiac system in young athletes develops over time, changes over time, and some of the conditions that exist that could pose a risk to their life may not be fully functional in those athletes until they're older.
So a kid who’s got a normal EKG when they're a freshman in high school may have an abnormal EKG when they're a junior in college. What the exact time frames on those, what the recommended intervals are, is not really agreed upon totally yet. We will get there, but right now I think most people would agree that in high school a physical examination with a history should be done each year. An EKG should probably be done at least once, maybe every two years in high school, and in college, physicals every two years with an EKG, the more advanced cardiac screening, done once probably trending to doing it twice while they're in college.