After about five to seven days, if the athlete tends to not get better in our care, we will refer them off to a sports medicine physician, for further evaluation. The sports medicine physician will then decide if maybe the athlete needs some sort of imaging, whether that's an MRI or an X-ray of the injured area. They can also do a lot of in-house treatment, including maybe a cortisone shot or an anti-inflammatory shot to the area, to help with pain. To help decrease pain. Then also, they can maybe refer them off to further rehab that they may need. The rehab will expand on the things we do here at the training room, to more stretching, more strengthening type exercises. Then they can also incorporate other tools that we have in the rehab facility, including the AlterG if it's a lower extremity type injury. The AlterG is an antigravity treadmill that we have, that tends to suspend the athlete about the treadmill, and allows for a decrease in bodyweight on that injured area, the knee, the ankle, et cetera. Then that way, they can continue running without the pounding of their body weight on that area.