Insomnia can affect a person’s health in a number of different ways. Sleep is actually complicated. It’s much more than a dormant state we go through every night. There are different stages of sleep and each one of these stages is important for the good, feeling-refreshed you get in the morning. When we are not getting enough sleep we will usually wake up feeling irritable. Our blood pressure will be higher. There are certain hormones like cortisol and what not that can be much higher that will increase our appetite for foods that maybe aren’t the best choice. It also increases our general feeling of irritability and anxiety and these things can start leading to behavior patterns like alcohol consumption and discord in marriages that aren’t good for us as human beings. Sleep can dramatically affect all aspects of health. Insomnia being the lack of or inability to get good sleep starts to echo through all aspects of your life. You wake up and you feel lousy. You start having anxiety about going to bed. These people are usually not motivated to engage in much more than the bare minimum in their life. They start withdrawing from aspects of their marriage, they aren’t exercising regularly, their blood pressure goes up, their diet generally deteriorates and all these things then echo through their cholesterol and diabetes control and all other aspects of their life. Addressing sleep can very often improve all aspects of their overall health.