Joints that can be affected by osteoarthritis in the foot and ankle include, not only the ankle joint, which is a relatively common place to get arthritis, but the great toe joint is probably one of the more common places to get arthritis, due to many causes. That is where gout seems to attack people the most, so that's one big factor in developing gout there. But, that's also where people have bunions, which can cause an abnormal loading inside the joint, and that can lead to arthritis as well.
There's other places where people tend to get arthritis in the foot, including the hind foot, just below the ankle. And, this can be due to several causes, such as a severe flat foot or high arches. And then, down the foot, even further in the mid-foot, you can get some problems with those joints as well, due to abnormal position of the foot in a flat foot or high arch situation, and so those joints can wear out prematurely as well.