There's no cure for endometriosis and how it comes about is a little bit of a mystery as well. There are several different theories about it, one of the most popular being that somehow the menstrual blood flow flows backwards perhaps through the tubes and then allows those endometrial or internal uterine cells to then implant on outside surfaces. That's probably the leading cause that we can identify to date but there's several other more complicated ones. Another cause may have something to do with very immature cells that are forming when we're just developing as a fetus in utero and those cells get dropped off at the locations in the pelvis and in the abdomen along the way but don't develop into endometrial cells until much later when a woman is an adult has started her period. So we don't really have a 100 percent answer and how endometriosis comes about, but at least we’ve got some great options on how to treat it.