As far as symptoms of endometriosis go these kinds of symptoms vary widely from one patient to another. One woman might not really have much in the way of pain at all whereas another patient they have lots of pain not only with their periods but sometimes even starting several days to a week ahead of time with the pain only intensifying as the cycle gets closer and closer. Some women don't have as much prominent symptoms with their cycles per se but may have pelvic pain and other times of the month as well as pain during and after intercourse which can become rather problematic and disruptive. On the more severe end of the spectrum women with endometriosis can have some problems getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy and in some cases they can develop cysts on the ovary that are filled with endometriosis like tissue in cells that accumulate over time thus enlarging the ovary becoming problematic as far as pain and further infertility problems. Usually these cysts are filled with dark chocolate like fluid called chocolates cysts. We can often feel them on ultra, on pelvic exams or can see them when ultrasound that would give us an idea that they’re there and need to be treated.