Be sure to keep moving. Physical activity is a step you can take to benefit your health during the holidays any time of the year. Some simple ideas for staying active this holiday season include parking your car further away from the entrance and taking the steps instead of elevator while doing your holiday shopping. It’s also important to schedule time to exercise, make it a part of your daily routine. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. If you choose to drink alcohol this holiday season, do so in moderation. One idea to decrease the amount of alcohol you drink would be to alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. If you find it difficult to stop once you’ve started drinking, then go to the party with a plan to stick to non-alcoholic drinks the whole time. Don’t forget to always use a designated driver. In regard to eating during the holiday, you don’t have to go without your favorite holiday treats but try to be mindful of the amount you are eating. Try to eat healthy foods before going to the party so when you are at the party you will be less likely to overindulge on all the less-healthy food options that are found at typical holiday gatherings.