Halki Remedy And Other Supplements: Are They Safe For Diabetes?

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When it comes to diseases, including diabetes, it would be nice to have a magic pill or potion to make them go away forever. That is the promise with many supplements and remedies advertised on the internet, including the Halki Diabetes Remedy.
The Halki Remedy promises you can fight diabetes effectively by consuming a special salad dressing twice a day to flush from your body toxins that cause type 2 diabetes. As a result, claims the Halki Remedy, you can beat diabetes symptoms in just a few weeks of using it.
Rebecca Roberts, ANP-BC, CDE, nurse practitioner and diabetes educator at Bull Family Diabetes Center, wishes it were that easy. “The Halki Remedy has no scientific evidence to back it up. There were no controlled studies done to show that the remedy works,” says Roberts. “If this was a legitimate cure, the scientific community would be buzzing about it, and it wouldn’t require you to send someone $37,” she adds.
Flushing toxins from your body is the job of your liver. Roberts is concerned that remedies like the Halki Remedy could actually damage your liver and cause harm instead of help. Severe high blood sugar and kidney or liver damage are possible outcomes if you have diabetes and stop taking your medication or restrict your diet as some remedies advise.
Roberts warns never to try a new remedy, and never to stop taking medication, without first checking with your health care provider. “If an advertised ‘cure’ isn’t FDA approved, it should be approached with skepticism,” she says.
So far, researchers have found that a healthy diet combined with exercise is the best way to manage diabetes and prevent complications among the approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population diagnosed with it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide guidelines to support people with diabetes in their effort to get and stay healthy.
If you are among the 34 percent of American adults with prediabetes, the CDC has designed a change-in-lifestyle program that has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent (71 percent if you’re over age 60). This National Diabetes Prevention Program is research-based and focuses on healthy eating and physical activity. The program is available at YMCAs nationwide, including those in Southwest Ohio, and participation may be free depending on your insurance and health status.
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Source: Rebecca Roberts, ANP-BC, CDE, Bull Family Diabetes Center; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention