Baby Care
Your precious bundle of complete joy comes with a lot of responsibility. No doubt it can be overwhelming at times. Here’s straightforward advice from Premier Health providers about how to keep your baby safe, and how to deal with common discomforts that often occur during baby’s first year.

Beyond the Tears: Vaccines Protect Kids
The bottom line on the safety and benefit of immunizations.

It Really Is That Simple: Follow the ABCs Of Safe Sleep For Your Baby
To help your baby sleep safely, remember that less is more.

10 Tips For Baby’s Safe Sleep On the Road
Safe sleep practices never take a holiday

Postpartum Depression: Temporary And Treatable
Find out if what you’re experiencing is more than just “baby blues.”

A Safe “Nighty-Night” for Twins (and Other Multiples)
A safe night’s sleep starts with having separate beds for your babies.

The Best Gifts for a Safe Sleep Baby Shower
Follow these do’s and don’ts when putting together your shopping list for the newborn.

Are Mesh Crib Bumpers Safe?
Keep your infant safe by giving all bumpers the bump!

Sling Safety For Baby And You
Safe babywearing starts with these easy tips.

Heart Of the Matter: Most Common Birth Defect
A guide to the causes, diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects.

Smoking, Drinking, And Other ‘No-Nos’ When Breastfeeding
Learn what's safe and not safe to do while breastfeeding.

Pacifier Do’s And Don’ts
A pacifier can be your baby’s go-to for soothing relief – but be aware of the risks, too.

Winterize Your Baby’s Skin
Moisturize and dress your little one for the stresses of cold, dry winter air.

Newborn Hearing Tests: Can You Hear Me Now?
Early testing and intervention can make a difference for a lifetime.

Baby Walkers: Boon For Development? Or Banned And Dangerous?
What every parent needs to know about baby walker safety.

Picking Up Your Baby 101
Love your baby and your back with these tips to help reduce the pain of parenting.

Stair Safety: Raising Child Care to a New Level
Protect your child from falls by teaching her how to navigate stairs.

Baby’s Home! Time For Some Serious Germ Fighting
Do you use a dish towel to dry baby bottles? Learn why air drying is better.

Protect Your Child from Shaken Baby Syndrome
Calming yourself is the first step in prevention.

‘If Mom Loves Me, How Come There’s a New Baby?’
10 ways to get your kids on board (and even excited) about your family’s new arrival.

Home Monitors for SIDS: A Good Idea?
How your baby sleeps – not monitors – will help prevent SIDS.

Is Your Baby Ready for Solid Foods?
How to introduce your baby to a whole new world of food.

When Lullabies Don’t Work: How to Soothe a Newborn with Colic
How to help your little one thrive when all he wants to do is cry.

Baby, It’s Checkup Time! Your Wellness Visit Guide
Before baby gets checked from head to toe, here’s what you need to know.

Baby Bathing 101: What You Need to Know
The basics of getting baby from “mess” to “dressed.”

4 Confidence-Boosting Tips for Moms who Breastfeed in Public
Care for your baby here, there and everywhere!

Baby’s Sitting Up and Growing Up
How to help enhance tune up your baby’s movement skills

How to Breastfeed Twins (Or More!)
Strategies for nursing when your hands (and arms) are full.

Cloth or Disposable: The Bottom Line on Diapers
You’ll use plenty, so weigh these pros and cons.

Be a Diaper Changing Pro
Do you know the Number 1 and Number 2 essential first steps?

Oh Baby, What Have You Done to Mom’s Body?
These good-for-you steps can help your post-baby body get back to normal.

7 Ways to Prep Your Pet for Baby
Why you’ll want to start way before baby arrives

Whose Room is Safest for Your Sleeping Newborn?
Should your newborn sleep in his own room or yours?

Can I Nurse My Adopted Baby?
Yes, it’s possible — with planning and dedication.

Keeping Baby Safe Outdoors
Whatever the season, have fun outdoors with your baby.

Help When Breastfeeding Isn’t Feeling ‘Natural’
Don’t get discouraged – get help!

Nursing Your Baby, Nurturing Yourself
Breastfeeding has a way of bringing out all the big emotions.

Breastfeeding Apps for Savvy Moms
The basics haven't changed, but today's mom gets some tech support.

How to Keep Your Baby Safe From Choking
Most choking accidents happen at home; be watchful and prepared.

Baby on Board! Choosing an Infant Car Seat
Narrow your options with these smart before-you-buy tips.

Room Share to Reduce the Risk of SIDS
Keep baby’s bed nearby for safe sleep time.

Drying Up Your Milk When It’s Time to Wean
Drying Up Your Milk When It’s Time to Wean

Skin-to-Skin Contact: Bond With Your Newborn
Both you and your baby win when you hold your newborn skin to skin.

All Aboard for Shopping Cart Safety
Kid-safe shopping carts? Maybe, kinda, sorta.
3 Ways Breastfeeding May Lower Breast Cancer Risk
Breastfeeding’s bonus for moms!

Breastfeeding on the Road: 9 Essential Tips for Travel
Follow this guide for breastfeeding or pumping on the go.

6 Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms
Plan for successful breastfeeding when you return to work so you and your baby can rest easy.

Can’t Breastfeed? You Can Still Give Breast Milk
Milk banks are a safe alternative for your baby.

Get Rid of That Sleep Positioner — Now!
Before you use a sleep wedge for baby, read what experts say.

Why Should I Breastfeed?
Of course you want what’s best for your baby! Here’s how breastfeeding benefits both of you.

We’re in This Together: Your Partner's Role in Breastfeeding
Your partner doesn’t have to feel left out — or even jealous — when you breastfeed.

3 Things to Know about Breastfeeding, Your Diet and Medications
How does what you eat and drink affect your breastfed baby?

Learn How to Overcome These Common Breastfeeding Problems
Every new mom faces breastfeeding challenges. Get ahead of the game with these tips.

How Breastfeeding Changes as Baby Grows
As your baby grows, use these guidelines to help adjust how you breastfeed.

Brilliant – or Bunk? A Dozen Breastfeeding Myths
Think you know the true skinny about breastfeeding? Get the facts!

Breastfeeding Benefits Every Mom Should Know
Did you know breastfeeding can help you fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans faster?

Are You Ready for Breastfeeding?
Worried about breastfeeding? Take these steps to feel confident and prepared.

Am I Making Enough Breast Milk?
Learn these easy ways to increase your milk supply if your baby isn’t getting enough.

8 Breastfeeding Tips for Latching On
Breastfeeding success is “all in the latch”

Four Solutions for Your Baby’s Acid Reflux
Simple changes to baby’s eating and sleeping routines can help ease acid reflux.

Get Baby’s Caregivers on Board with Safe Sleep Practices
Nine need-to-know steps for caregivers to ensure your baby is safe asleep

Home with a Newborn — Now What?
Babies don’t come with instructions. But a helpful infant-care class can give you a healthy dose of confidence.

Safely Under Cover: Blankets That Babies Wear
More than a baby fashion trend, sleep sacks are a safety statement recommended by pediatricians.

What a Difference a Generation Makes: Progress in Safe Sleep for Babies
Today’s guidelines help babies sleep more safely and parents more soundly.

You Can Lower Your Baby’s Risk of SIDS — Before Birth and After
There’s still more to be learned about SIDS, but there are many ways parents can reduce the risk.

Separation Anxiety: Tough For Baby And Mama
Though it’s hard to deal with, it can be a good sign.