Will Your Behavior Change During Wednesday's Full Moon?

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The notion that a full moon causes people to behave strangely dates back hundreds of years. (The word “lunatic” comes from “luna,” the Latin name for the Moon.) But is it really true?
Although there’s no scientific evidence to support it, as explained here, research or no research, many are convinced it’s true.
Joseph Allen, MD, Family Medicine of Vandalia, told Premier Health Now he’s a believer. During his more than 15 years as a physician, first in emergency care and now at his family practice, he’s seen plenty of strange behavior when the moon is full. “It’s not the increase in the quantity of visits to the ER or calls to the doctor’s office that we notice; it’s the quality,” he says. “It’s the odd behavior. There’s an uptick for sure.”
People tend towards high-risk behavior the days before, during and after a full moon, he believes. “And they wind up in the ER as a result,” he says.
In the office, Dr. Allen says he and his staff notice patients are “edgy, more anxious” during a full moon phase. “Patients will insist they need a prescription refilled immediately,” for example, “and then we find out they just had it filled last week or have a six-month supply at home.” Or patients may be adamant they come in immediately to get their blood pressure checked even though they have an appointment in a few days, he says. “Of course we can get calls like this on any given day,” Dr. Allen says, “but we get a whole lot more of them during a full moon. We can’t put a number on it,” he laughs. “It just happens!”
Wednesday’s full moon is technically a “super blue blood moon.” That means the moon will be closer to earth than usual, which also means it can be up to 14 percent bigger and up to 30 percent brighter. There also will be a lunar eclipse at its maximum in Dayton at 7:41 a.m. on Wednesday.
That said, we’re wondering…will your behavior change during Wednesday’s full moon?
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Source: Joseph Allen, MD, Family Medicine of Vandalia; Washington Post; Newsweek