Many Quality Of Life Improvements Come After Weight Loss Surgery

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Many overweight patients who have weight loss surgery find significant improvements to their quality of life.
Being overweight can carry a variety of challenges in addition to the weight itself, including diseases, medication costs, and even depression.
Medications are absorbed differently and often needed less after weight loss surgery, according to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).
Following weight loss, it’s important to keep close contact with both your surgeon and your primary care provider to ensure you are taking the right medications for your current weight and health status.
Weight loss surgery has shown to improve or resolve many conditions related to obesity, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease.
Several studies have found that people with severe obesity who have weight loss surgery have a lower risk of death than people dealing with obesity who do not have surgery.
One study found up to an 89-percent reduction in mortality rates in the five years following bariatric when compared to the same rates for people who did not have surgery.
Another study showed a more than 90 percent drop in mortality rates related to diabetes and a more than 50 percent drop in mortality rates related to heart disease for people with obesity who chose to have weight loss surgery.
There is a question about whether a patient who was obese and depressed started with the obesity causing the depression or the depression causing the obesity, according to the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC).
Whichever it might be, obesity and depression are often linked. Weight loss surgery, however, has been shown to help ease depression in many patients.
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