Awards Digest
Several Miami Valley Hospital nurse leaders were nominated as “Aspiring Nurse Leaders” by the Dayton and Ohio Organization of Nurse Executives, the local and state nurse executive group. Congratulations to Ashley Peters, Melissa Moncrief, Jennifer Long, Jennifer Hynes, Tonja Fote, and Jessica Slater.
Atrium Medical Center has earned renewed Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers from The Joint Commission and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. The Joint Commission's Certificate of Distinction for Primary Stroke Centers recognizes centers that make exceptional efforts to foster better outcomes for stroke care, according to its website. This distinction is described by The Joint Commission as the best signal to our community that the care Atrium provides is effectively managed to meet the unique and specialized needs of stroke patients.
Atrium also received the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Encouraging Environmental Excellence Award. This award recognizes an organization’s achievements in environmental stewardship. Fewer than 20 other Ohio hospitals/health systems have achieved this distinction. The award was accepted in Columbus on October 16. It is the second environmental award received by the hospital in 2018.
Miami Valley Hospital also received an Environmental Excellence Award from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for initiatives instituted to protect the environment. The award, which recognizes applicants for completing environmentally beneficial activities, is open to any business, industry, trade association, professional organization, or local government of Ohio. Applications are evaluated using environmental stewardship criteria developed by the Ohio EPA.