Greetings Premier Health APRNs!
By Debbi Matosky, CNP
As we begin the fall season here at Premier Health, we want to acquaint you with the many exciting things are happening to promote our health care practice system-wide.
Here is an update:
As you may know, Premier Health has a system-wide leadership group for advanced practice providers (APPs). This group has been in existence for more than two years and meets monthly. There is representation from all hospitals and practice environments. Additionally, our membership includes Premier Health’s chief nursing officer, Peggy Mark. She is very involved with this group and a great supporter/promoter of APRN practice.
Topics addressed by this group include: APRN regulation in Ohio, coordination of APRN/PA benefits across the system, educational opportunities, participation on system level committees for prescriptive practice, APRN credentialing, and transformational leadership. Representative members are working on practice development for the outpatient as well as inpatient settings, quality tracking, and legislative updates.
This group has sponsored an annual advanced practice provider clinical update for the past five years. This is a comprehensive, multi-specialty, educational conference to facilitate learning, networking, and professional development for APRNs throughout Premier and the greater Southwest Ohio area.
Additional educational offerings occur quarterly at each hospital and with the primary care offices.
This system leadership group includes many great representatives working for you across Premier!
If you have questions, concerns, or just need to reach out to a colleague, your local representatives are noted below:
- Atrium Medical Center: Emilee Bird, CNS-APRN manager
- Good Samaritan Hospital (closed in 2018): Melissa Peterangelo, CNS-APRN manager
- Upper Valley Medical Center: Sarah Jones, CNS-APRN manager
- Miami Valley Hospital: Debbi Matosky, CNP
- Miami Valley Hospital South: Barbara Brush, CNS
- Premier Physician Network: Amanda Pummill, CNP, or Emily Neal, CNP
Now that you are acquainted with us, we want to get to know you! It is our hope to highlight Premier Health APRNs in every edition of this newsletter. If there is an APRN with whom you work, and find to be an excellent resource, clinician, professional colleague, or just does a great job, please send a couple of paragraphs highlighting her or him. We will include a brief biography in each newsletter. We want to recognize our associates!
Yours in Collaborative Practice!
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Source: Premier Health Nursing