Miami Valley Hospital DAISY Award Recipients – July 2018

Premier Nursing News     July 2018

Audrey Bateman, Labor and Delivery

Bateman,AudreyIn late June 2017, at my 18-week appointment, my husband and I discovered that our baby’s little heart had stopped beating. We made the decision to deliver the baby because it would give us the opportunity to meet and also say goodbye to our baby. I was admitted into the labor and delivery unit and felt very confident that I had my head wrapped around what was happening to me and my family. Looking back, I know now that my husband and I were both numb and simply existing in the moment. We were two people far away from functioning or understanding the meaning of this experience. My induction began on Thursday morning, and I did not deliver until Saturday evening. The first two days of my stay, my nurse was Audrey. She adapted to what my husband and I needed. She would chat with us about our families, kids and their activities, and experiences in nursing. She was attentive to our needs and was a great nurse. At the end of her shift on Friday, as she prepared to leave, she informed us that she would not return until the following week. Just prior to leaving, she did something that I did not expect and will never forget. Audrey courageously stepped into a place with us that was vulnerable, broken, intimate, and downright confusing. She did what so many feel inclined to do but avoid because they are not sure how to step into that place. She asked if she could pray for us. We were both surprised and quickly agreed. She did something that seems so simple but I cannot articulate to you how her prayer has lingered with me. She prayed for us all the things that at the time we were incapable of asking for, understanding, or seeking. She prayed for peace and understanding of the significance of our child’s life. She did for us what we couldn’t even grasp doing for ourselves at an incredibly broken time. Eventually we delivered our third baby boy.

Whenever I think of him, I remember his birth, think of his worth and meaning of his life. I often think of Audrey. She provided us with more than any service; she gave of herself to help us begin to heal.

Submitted by: Grateful patient

Allison Fay, Neuro ICU

Fay,AllisonAllison was wonderful both days she took care of my husband. She knew what she was doing and never faltered with her nursing care. She was always professional, compassionate, and wonderfully optimistic, even though things were looking grave. She took care of my husband as if he were her own family. We hope Miami Valley Hospital appreciates her as much as we do.

Submitted by: Grateful family

Allison was one of the best nurses I have ever met. She communicated with us about our father’s plan of care, and we never felt like we didn’t know what was going on. She was compassionate beyond measure. We never had to call for anything. She anticipated our needs and met them before we even knew it. She never stopped working for us and our father. On top of all this, she was graceful and calming. I am so grateful for her and the wonderful care at Miami Valley Hospital.

Submitted by: Grateful family

Peggy Haywood, MSICU

Haywood,PeggyBeing a pediatric nurse in the adult world is the scariest role in the world for me. Not only are the patient disease processes foreign, but the care is also so different. Walking into the ICU and being told your dad is going to be intubated and taken to emergency surgery would be scary news for most families, but all I felt was pure relief. We had finally found that one nurse who recognized a clinically deteriorating patient and made it her job to be his advocate. Someone who took her job personally and worked tirelessly to make sure my dad had the best outcome possible when it could have been so much worse. Peggy Haywood was the nurse who, within minutes of caring for my dad, accomplished more than anyone had in the previous three days. She took it upon herself to ask the doctors to stop what they were doing and come see him immediately. I can say she likely saved my dad’s life. 

It’s nurses like Peggy who make me proud to be a nurse. Nurses like her make me, in my practice, listen more carefully to families and become more astute when they tell me something is not right.

Everyone is somebody’s someone – somebody’s world. The decisions Peggy made that day gave us more time with our dad. I will never forget her. A million thanks to Peggy!  

Submitted by: Grateful family

Melissa McNulty, HVIC

McNulty,MelissaToday we found out that our mother is terminal. This was quite shocking to us. The doctors came and told us everything going on with Mom. Melissa explained everything and answered our questions. She explained procedures and even let us know things we did not know to ask. She organized a cart with food, water, and coffee to be with us so we did not have to leave Mom’s bedside. She always told Mom what she was about to do and made sure she understood.

She constantly asked if there was anything she could do for us. She gave us hugs when we needed them. She truly welcomed all family to be together with Mom.

In all our hospital experiences, Melissa stands out as one of the BEST nurses we have ever had. Thank you, Melissa! We will always cherish what you did for our family.

Submitted by: Grateful family 

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