New “Lead With Yes” Initiative
As Premier Health strives to enhance patient access to our care, as called for in our current three-year strategic plan, we are pleased to announce a new patient access campaign: “Lead With Yes.”
Across our health system, both clinical and nonclinical employees have a role to play in ensuring the success of this new initiative, which includes but is not limited to the launch of our new regional referral center that will coordinate medical transportation between facilities, as well as into and out of our health system.
“Lead With Yes” seeks to build a solution-oriented culture that ensures seamless experiences and handoffs for referring facilities, providers, and patients. It encompasses an overhaul of our health system’s procedures for:
- Accepting patients at all Premier Health facilities
- Discharging patients from Premier Health facilities
- Providing access to patient beds
- Opening beds at alternative facilities if certain facilities are at capacity
- Taking calls at the regional referral center
- Streamlining the bed flow process and turning over beds more quickly
To help transform these processes used in managing acute-care access, the Lead With Yes campaign focuses on the following:
- Immediacy: Whether it involves an EMS agency or a direct admission from another hospital, employees who control access to inpatient beds should always use a solution-oriented approach that leads with an attitude of “Yes, we can help you” and affirms that every effort will be made to admit the patient to a Premier Health facility as expeditiously as possible.
- Engagement: We recognize that all employees and physicians play a key role in improving our processes. Your ideas, problem-solving skills, expertise, leadership and ownership of our processes are key in driving that improvement.
We ask that leaders take steps to recognize employees who “lead with yes” and will be evaluating additional ways to encourage “peer-to-peer” recognition in the future.
Your “Yes” might help break down a barrier, streamline a process, improve a family’s experience, or positively affect a patient’s care. Your “Yes” might change everything.
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