Nurse Recognized as Ohio’s Aspiring Nurse Leader

Emily VanCulin, BSN, RN, CCRN was recognized as Ohio’s Aspiring Nurse Leader at the Ohio Organization for Nursing Leadership state conference in Columbus on Nov. 14. The judging criteria included education, informal leadership qualities, clinical expertise and outside (community) activities. Emily’s state nomination was the result of being selected by the Dayton Ohio Organization for Nursing Leadership’s Aspiring Nurse Leader. As the local chapter winner, Emily’s award included conference and hotel fees for the state conference.
Some of the highlights within her nomination were co-chair of Nursing Informatics Committee, nearing completion of her MSN, presentation at Epic’s XGM conference, work to increase utilization of the nurse manager dashboard to eliminate manual chart audits, and her work with her church’s Adoption Sunday event.
Emily is the associate nurse manager on SE7 at Miami Valley Hospital. Congratulations, Emily, you make us “Premier Proud.”
Back to the January 2020 issue of Premier Nursing News.