Premier Health Announces Closure of Good Samaritan Hospital

Premier Nursing News     March 2018

Premier Health recently announced the difficult but necessary decision to phase out services and staff at Good Samaritan Hospital’s main campus on Philadelphia Drive and cease operations there toward the end of 2018.

The move is part of Premier Health’s 2020 strategic plan, which calls for a configuration of health care services that keeps pace with national health care policy, and best serves a city that for decades has undergone significant economic transformation. Good Samaritan Hospital’s services will remain in Dayton, shifting to nearby Miami Valley Hospital, to maintain residents’ access to care, minimize disruptions for staff, and reaffirm Premier Health’s commitment to serve Dayton’s inner core.

The evolving national and local dynamics of health care have made operating two hospitals within five miles of each other unsustainable. National changes in the health care industry, compounded by the changing face of Dayton over the past decade, made clear that Premier Health had to make significant changes to continue serving the entire region and reaching patients in innovative ways in their communities for years to come. We are doing this now, from a position of strength, to give us better control in positioning services in our region to best serve our entire service area.

The previously announced Phase 3 plan to expand Good Samaritan North Health Center (Miami Valley Hospital North as of July 23, 2018) will continue and be completed later this year. The health center and other Good Samaritan Hospital locations will remain operational and eventually become part of Miami Valley Hospital. Name changes will be necessary, as each location providing services needs to visibly indicate the main hospital location.

This is, of course, a complex and emotional time, and Premier Health has put together a team of physicians, nurses, administrators, and support staff to address areas such as staff, patient care, providers, general operations, community relations, redevelopment, and communications. Careful planning has been put in place to take care of patients, staff, providers, and the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to patients?

Patients will be accommodated at the nearest appropriate Premier Health facility based on their medical needs during the final stages of the move.

What will happen to staff?

Premier Health’s goal is to ensure that each Good Samaritan Hospital employee is offered an opportunity to remain employed within the Premier Health system, and the Human Resources Department has an action plan for each department. The health system also plans to offer voluntary retirement and other transition programs.

What will happen to the hospital/campus?

Premier Health plans to work with CityWide Development Corporation, a long-time partner on the Phoenix Project, and has engaged planning NEXT, an experienced firm specializing in property redevelopment, to help guide the process of repurposing the site. That process will include seeking community input over the next few months to align community needs with redevelopment possibilities.

While most of the structures on the main Good Samaritan Hospital Campus will eventually be gone, Five Rivers Health Center will remain in place continuing to serve the community. We highly value the service that Five Rivers provides to the community through the Samaritan Homeless Clinic.

Is there sufficient capacity in our emergency departments to take care of patients?

Based on the current and peak volume analysis, there is sufficient capacity at our sites to take care of all patients currently being served at Good Samaritan Hospital’s Philadelphia Drive campus.

If I am transferring from the Good Samaritan main campus to another Premier Health facility as part of the placement process, how will my transfer be coordinated?

Staff will be transitioned in a phased approach to ensure the safe care of our patients.

If Premier Health is still recruiting externally, how can employees count on a job offer?

Hiring from the outside will be limited to hard-to-fill positions.

What happens to my pension?

There is no impact to your pension benefit. Premier Health has one pension plan for all its facilities.

What impact, if any, will my transfer have on my years of service?

Your hire date and TOP date will remain the same.

How are weekend rotations handled?

Weekend rotations vary by site and by department; you will have an opportunity to review that information for positions you are considering.

What if my manager has approved TOP for me already?

As part of the placement process, staff will have the opportunity to communicate to the hiring manager any previously approved TOP.

If I change jobs or am required to wear a different color of scrubs, is there any stipend for uniforms?

Yes. You will receive a stipend to purchase two sets of scrubs.

Will I be expected to attend an orientation at the new facility?

Yes; orientation is a regulatory requirement.

Will I have a 90-day assessment in my new role?

Assessments after 90 days are a regulatory requirement and will be completed for all staff. You will not be restricted from using TOP or any of your other benefits, though, during the first 90 days in your new position.

Who will do my annual assessment?

We are not conducting annual assessments for staff throughout the system below the director level in 2018, except in accordance with regulatory requirement standards.

Will I be eligible for a pay increase in 2018?

Employees hired before January 1, 2018, will receive a base pay adjustment in April 2018 (employees hired within the past 12 months will receive a pro-rated increase per policy).

Will employees from Good Samaritan Hospital bump other employees from their job?

No; employees involved in a change in job assignment will not displace other employees from their existing positions.

How will seniority for weekend rotations, etc. be handled when employees transfer to the hospital?

Seniority will be honored when employees transfer from Good Sam to another Premier Health facility. Weekend rotation assignments will be handled in accordance with established department guidelines.

Will we continue to hire employees at the Good Samaritan Hospital main campus?

Our intention is to make use of supplemental staffing as needed (i.e., contract, agency, float pool/support employees, etc.).

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