Premier Health Launches Social Media Campaign to Combat Opioid Addiction
Premier Health and its foundations are continuing public service campaign efforts to prevent opioid addiction by discouraging behaviors that can lead to dependency on opioids and other drugs. In addition to driving behavior change, we are working to raise awareness that opioid addiction affects a broad cross-section of society.
Individuals and families often don't know what resources are available to them or how to get help. Our website,, provides resources from 21 local counties and includes contact information for area crisis service organizations. In addition to these options, remember that you can always call your doctor or therapist; go to a hospital emergency department; or call 911 if immediate help is needed.
The campaign acknowledges that it will take the efforts of many people to overcome this public health crisis. Therefore, the campaign invites Southwest Ohio residents to make a social media pledge – such as vowing to safely dispose of expired medications, have ongoing conversations with children about the dangers of opioids, or join a local organization to play an active role in fighting the opioid crisis – followed by the phrase #MyOpioidPledge on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. (If your Facebook account is private, please make sure that you make your pledge a public post.) Public posts with the hashtag #MyOpioidPledge will populate the website.
If you'd like to play a role in the fight against opioid addiction, please make a pedge on your favorite social media outlet and tell us about it!
Here's how:
- Go to your favorite social media site
- Post your pledge using the hashtag #MyOpioidPledge (you can share a written post or a video of you
- making your pledge)
- Ensure that your post is set to "public" so that we can see it
- Share/invite your friends to do the same
Finally, the campaign features a partnership with the local Voices Project to share inspirational videos of people who have been touched by addiction. The videos, which highlight the human element of addiction, will be featured on the website and on Premier Health's social media platforms.
Visit the Overdose Response Committee site on Inside Premier for more education, resources, and information related to Premier Health's efforts to reduce overdose deaths.

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Source: Premier Health Nursing