Recent Fidelity Health Care DAISY Award Recipient: January 2020
Shirley Hood, RN
I wanted to express my thanks to Fidelity for sending my daughter in need an angel named Shirley Hood.
My daughter was in a horrific ATV accident. She lost control of the ATV and subsequently the handle bar went through her stomach and caused numerous perforations in both her small and large intestines. She survived despite the seven hours of surgery, drains, and a feeding tube.
As her recovery progressed, the surgeon removed the 28 staples and subsequently the wound became infected. She had to be cut open again, and a wet-to-dry dressing and AQUACEL® were used to treat the deep, large wound.
At that time…God sent us our Shirley. I cannot express enough what Shirley did for my daughter and me. The accident left both my daughter and me in a tailspin. Trying to stay positive and upbeat is a difficult thing when you do not feel well and are enduring a lot of pain and discomfort. And…as a parent…it is so hard to see your child suffer. Shirley provided excellent nursing care in the treatment of this wound. She is so knowledgeable and experienced. I felt so confident in her abilities. She was our angel when we needed laughter and always managed to put a smile on both our faces when we needed it so desperately.
Please acknowledge Shirley for all her efforts. She went above and beyond to take care of my daughter…she was always there when we needed her. We could count on her despite negative temperatures, ice, sleet, and snow. She never missed a visit! Both my daughter and I have formed a wonderful and special bond with Shirley. She saved both of us emotionally and provided the best care I could have ever asked for.
We love you, Shirley Hood, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Submitted by: A grateful mother
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