Recent Fidelity Health Care DAISY Award Recipients - October 2018
Tammy Craport, RN
Yesterday I arrived at a patient’s home in Greenville. He had been having issues late Tuesday evening and into Wednesday morning with his catheter and increased lower abdominal pain, so he called Tammy, his nurse. On her day off, she made not one, but two visits to his home to prevent an ER visit and his waiting an extended time for an on-call nurse due to his location and her living close. This truly demonstrates an exceptional caring nurse.
Jatasha Osborn, RN
During a meeting with Dr. Madireddy, she shared with us that one of our clinicians does an amazing job providing her with a very complete SBAR report that gives her exactly what she needs to care for the patient. Dr. Madireddy could not think of our clinician’s name and asked her office coordinator to help her think of the clinician’s name. The office coordinator immediately said your nurse Jatasha Osborn, she provides the most complete SBAR of all of the nurses that we hear from. Both the physician and office staff member were very appreciative that Jatasha always knows her patients, has all the detail that the physician needs, including lab results and appropriate recommendations for the patient. It was so very nice to hear this detailed praise for one of our nurses.
Brittany Renner, RN
“I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you! You had a patient call in over the weekend for a PRN visit during a very busy time with little staff. I reached out to you (at the patient’s request), on your day off, and you quickly agreed to go see the patient. Just want you to know you are appreciated!! Thanks for all you do to care for our patients!
This was a message to Brittany from one of the triage nurses. Brittany is always picking up extra and helping out whenever asked. She is fairly new to home care and has quickly caught on to the patient care and the paperwork. She is a pleasure to have on my team, and I wish I had 10 more like her. She truly is an example and role model for other nurses to follow.
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