Recent Good Samaritan Hospital DAISY Award Winners - March 2018
Roland Fisher, BSN, RN, CRNI
IV Therapy
Roland provides a great service for our patients as a member of the IV Therapy team. He also teaches many of our staff about care of our patients’ IV access. He is known for his consistent outstanding performance. He is always very pleasant and friendly, and willing to help any way he can, going above and beyond. He is always polite and accommodating without ever displaying any frustration or annoyance. It is a pleasure to work with Roland. He is also very compassionate with patients.
Annelise Schultz, BSN, RN, CCRN
In her role as CVICU team leader, Annelise leads by example through her calm demeanor and patience, which helps to calm both her unit and her patients. She takes a holistic approach to her patients’ care to ensure all physicians, patients, and family members are promptly aware of any changes in the patient’s condition to ensure quick treatment and optimal recovery. Annelise invests much more than her skill to care for her patients – she has prayed with her patients, held their hands when they were fearful, and has even said a prayer for a patient as they were dying. She maintains a positive attitude, is not afraid to ask for help, and is always willing to learn new aspects of nursing, even if it means learning alongside a team member.
Barbie Shomper, RN
Cardiac Day
Barbie is known for her thoughtfulness, kindness, and concern for the patient. Recently, she went out of her way to make a patient feel comfortable, making sure to clearly communicate at a level that showed respect. Barbie performs her job in an awesome fashion, and her patients appreciate everything she does for them!
Nominated by a patient.
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Source: Premier Health Nursing