Scrub Color Change in Effect
By Ingrid Waggoner, MBA, BSN, RN, CRRN & Annette Drake, MS, RN, CRRN, CBIS
An opportunity submission was proposed to Premier Health’s Shared Governance Structural Empowerment (SE) council by PCTs, HUCs, & techs from several Premier Health facilities to change the current scrub color from sandstone to slate gray. The SE council created a PCT/HUC/Tech SCRUB survey, which had an overwhelming 1,095 responses:
- 88.7 % preferred a different scrub color
- 81.4% (882 responses) supported changing color to slate gray.
- 90.1% preferred change be over two to six months
The SE council presented the recommendation to switch the current PCT/HUC/tech sandstone scrub color to slate gray to nursing leadership and Human Resources based on the enthusiasm for the change. The Professional Image policy has been re-written to reflect the change and approved by the Human Resources team. The plan to switch to slate gray scrubs was implemented Oct. 1. The time frame for the changeover is between October 1, 2019 through April 1, 2020 to align with the survey results of two to six months. During this timeframe, PCTs/HUCs/techs can continue to wear the sandstone while transitioning to slate gray. More communication about the scrub color changeover will be coming over the next several months. A great big salute to PCTs/HUCs/techs for submitting the opportunity for a positive change!!!
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