Versant Programs Growing at Premier Health
By Kimberly Barton, MSN, RN, nurse residency manager, and Maria Cosler, RN, MS, nurse residency manager
Premier Health’s partnership with Versant began in July 2015 with the capstone residency (CR) and new graduate nurse residency (NGRN); the transition fellowship (TF) was added in April 2017. The goal in implementing these residency and fellowship programs is to provide the resources, time, and support that our nurses need during their transition into acute care practice. This allows for a collaborative focus on time management, critical thinking skills, and group cohesion.
The CR is a tertiary partnership between Premier Health, Versant, and the following colleges and universities: Miami of Middletown, Miami of Hamilton, Cedarville University, Wright State University, and Edison State Community College. Two residency managers recruit senior students from these schools, explaining the application and selection process, interview and shadowing opportunities, and benefits of the CR. As of January 2019, 186 students have completed or are currently completing their CR. These students get to work in the environment they are contingently hired to, build relationships with other nurses on the unit, understand the patient demographics, and determine whether the unit suits them. Of the 129 nurses who have transitioned from CR into the NGRN, 90 percent have remained with Premier Health.
The NGRN continues to grow each year, with the February 2019 cohort being the 18th cohort, onboarding more than 1,000 new graduates across the system. The NGRN lasts one year, offering a comprehensive program that features classroom education, simulation and clinical experience, and mentor and debriefing sessions that are individualized for each resident nurse. These new nurses are on orientation for an average of three to four months, but evidence shows that they practice equivalent to a nurse with 17 months of experience.
The TF program is geared toward those who have been a nurse longer than one year, but have not practiced in acute care or haven’t worked in an acute care setting in more than three years. The program follows the NGRN, but is tailored to focus on transitioning the experienced nurse into the acute care setting. Thirty-seven fellows have onboarded since the TF program started, 92 percent of whom have stayed at Premier Health.
In 2019, there will be six NGRN cohort start dates (February, April, June, July, August, October) and 11 TF cohorts (one per month from January to November). The goal is to reach 400 nurses entering the NGRN and TF programs for this year.
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