Versant Residency Program Performance Improvement Projects 2018
Congratulations to our Versant Nurse Residency Program residents who completed their performance improvement (PI) projects! Residents, working with their mentors, choose an area of practice or concern and complete a PI project during their first year of the program. They are then offered the opportunity to present their projects at System Shared Governance and be included in the annual Poster Walk during Nurse Recognition week. While not every project is included here, one can gain a sense of the amazing work of our Versant residents, and we are Premier Proud!
ED Seizure Precautions for Adults
Mary Triplett, Carli Spurlin, Kaci King, Holli Thornton, Doug Wise
Admission Transfer Report: ER to the Unit
Katie Clark, Kyra Hess, Nicole Wion, Amber Young, Maria Severt
Neonatal Sepsis
Kayla Rickert, Megan Maples, Abigail Shalloe
Critical Care Pocket Reference Book for the ICU
Kathryn Burger, Amber Brunett, Alysha Arata, Julie Samson, Elizabeth Lambert, Shelbi Skaggs, Alexandra Storie, Lindsay Cottrell, Traci Todahl, Rachel Ahles
Handoff Report between ER and Inpatient Units and the Impact on Patient Care
Jessica Lingaas, Ashley Owens, Travis Rice, Andrea Smith, Megan Snyder, Nicole Strehle
Compassion Fatigue & Stethoscope Hygiene
Rebecca Stanaford, Dalton Fischer, Micheline Eid, Ashley Back, Anna Dere Wanka
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