Clinical Spotlight: John P. Williams, DO

Premier Pulse     August 2024

How Family Tragedy Shaped Dr. Williams' Medical Journey

What is your clinical specialty?

Neuroimmunology (multiple sclerosis and other neurological autoimmunity)

Where did you go to school?

I went to Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, PA. I then did my neurology residency in San Antonio and an autoimmune neurology fellowship in Salt Lake City.

What brought you to Premier Health? 

I was a military neurologist at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for the past six years. The MS Center at the Clinical Neuroscience Institute was a natural fit for transitioning to civilian practice. 

Why did you choose medicine as a career? 

My mother was a nurse, and my father was a clinical lab supervisor, so I was inspired by their careers in health care. I was a scientist before med school and was compelled to study disorders of the nervous system after my teenage cousin died from a brain tumor. I studied glial cell dysfunction for my PhD, which fostered a clinical interest in central nervous system inflammation, and then I transitioned to medical training. With an ongoing and relatively recent expansion in therapeutic options, we can now truly have a meaningful impact on treating people with these neuroimmunology disorders, which was not the case a few decades ago.

Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you? 

My residency director, Dr. John Sladky, and my fellowship director, Dr. Stacey Clardy, were very influential. Both are amazing clinicians who advocate tirelessly for their patients while being outstanding academic neurologists.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?  

I’m a bit of an architect – for reptiles. We welcomed our Greek tortoise, Orzo, into our home about four years ago, and I have unexpectedly enjoyed building habitats for her as she’s grown.  She’ll probably outlive all her humans, and she’ll have a nice place to do so!

Where is your hometown?

Massillon, Ohio

What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?

I am a die-hard Cleveland Cavaliers, Guardians, and Browns fan. I support Ohio State football, as well as University of Cincinnati basketball, but my heart is in Cleveland.

What is the last book you read? 

The Intention Imperative, by Mark Sanborn

What is your favorite song in your playlist?  

“Burma-Shave” by Tom Waits 

What is your favorite food?

I love Greek food. My dad’s side has some Greek ancestry, and we make dolmas and avgolemono soup for most holidays, along with other traditional items.

What is your favorite hobby?

It’s a tie between playing my guitars and fishing.

What is your favorite animal, and why?

I find the honeybee to be an amazing creature. I marvel at their industrious nature, commitment to the hive, and intricate communication.

Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?

I enjoy spending time in northwestern lower Michigan. We have been going up to the chain of lakes/Charlevoix region for several years now and really enjoy the mix of natural beauty and local towns in the area.

Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful: My amazing wife, Erica! She is the ever-supportive glue keeping our busy household together. We have boy-girl twins (14) and an 11-year-old daughter, two dogs, and a tortoise, all in a 105-year-old house, and Erica somehow manages to make it all look easy.

Pick a side

iPhone or Android


Early bird or night owl 

Early bird

Beach bum or mountain hiker?  


Dress shoes or tennis shoes?

Tennis shoes

Paperback or e-reader?  


Coffee or tea?


Cooking or baking?


Sweet or salty?


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