Clinical Spotlight: Jonathan Pope, MD
Jonathan Pope, MD: The Journey of an Infectious Diseases Specialist
What is your clinical specialty?
Infectious diseases
Where did you go to school?
Harvard University – undergrad studies
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
The University of Chicago and the University of Connecticut – post-graduate training
What brought you to Premier Health?
The job opportunity and proximity to my family.
Why did you choose medicine as a career?
I have always been interested in disease pathogenesis and enjoy patient care.
Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you?
My father, an invertebrate paleontologist and old-school academic, was the biggest early influence that fostered my interest in science. Later, I got into immunopathogenesis during graduate school in the lab of Stephen Miller and clinical microbiology and infectious diseases by Dr. Kenneth Thompson at the University of Chicago. The infectious faculty at the University of Connecticut are exceptional physicians and teachers, strongly influencing how I practice today.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I am half Japanese.
Where is your hometown?
Oxford, Ohio. I was a faculty kid, a townie.
What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?
None in particular.
What is the last book you read?
“Blink” by Malcolm Caldwell. Before that, “Jazz” by Toni Morrison.
What is your favorite song in your playlist?
That is a tough question. I listen to a wide range of music. Recently, the music I played most on my playlist has been the “Bach Cello Suites” by Yo-Yo Ma and “Mysterium Lunae” by Lorenzo De Finti.
What is your favorite food?
Very good Sushi.
What is your favorite hobby?
Road cycling
What is your favorite animal, and why?
I am a dog lover, but overall I really like lemurs for their intelligence, liveliness, and elegance.
Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?
It’s hard to pick one place. I really liked Tamarindo, Costa Rica, but I also recently revisited Venice, which was lovely. Domestically, I would say New Mexico or Colorado, which have many national parks, varied natural habitats, fascinating history and culture, and activities in any season.
Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful:
My wife, Conny, is my best friend, supporter, and advisor. I would not have been successful without her, and I rely on her intelligence and wisdom daily.
Pick a side
iPhone or Android?
Early bird or night owl?
Definitely a night owl.
Beach bum or mountain hiker?
Mountains. I like to backpack.
Dress shoes or tennis shoes?
Paperback or e-reader?
Paperback for now, but I am considering switching to an e-reader.
Coffee or tea?
Both. It depends on where, when and with what.
Cooking or baking?
Sweet or salty?
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