CME Session Offers Advancements in Orthopedic Treatment
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are an advanced treatment for injuries to tendons, muscles, ligaments and some joints. The injection material is made from the patient’s own platelets and has little risk of side effects. Successful treatment can return the patient to a healthier, pre-injury state by stimulating the body to heal itself. The treatment can be used for chronic and acute conditions, but is often used when other treatments fail.
Learn about this advanced orthopedic injury treatment from Jeffrey James, DO, a sports medicine physician with Premier Orthopedics. Continuing education credit will be provided.
The course will be held from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Wednesday, August 16, at Miami Valley Hospital South (Conference Room 1315).
Light refreshments will be served.
Registration information
Pre-registration for this free event is required by August 14, 2017. Register by calling (866) 608-3463.
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