CompuNet Offers “Global-Level” Access For Lab Test Results
CompuNet recently implemented an option for providers to search a patient’s lab history across CompuNet’s entire patient population. Through the online tool, Global Search, a patient’s full lab history is viewable and retrievable as long as the patient had labs performed at CompuNet, regardless of the ordering provider.
The web-based Global Search (“break the glass” functionality) tool is accessible through Luminate Health, a digital health care company serving the laboratory industry. Luminate Health also built CompuNet’s patient lab result portal, My Labs Now®.
Global Search gives providers with a CompuNet account access to a patient’s results before a patient’s first visit. An initial lab order is not required to view a patient’s lab history. The application provides access to real-time results, significantly reducing the need to call other providers for a patient’s lab history data.
To learn more about the Global Searchprovider application or to enroll, please contact your CompuNet account representative. Your CompuNet account representative will work with Luminate Health to establish access, which typically takes several days. If you do not know who your CompuNet account representative is, please contact Melanie Hogsten at (937) 297-8339 or
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