CompuNet Urinalysis Order Set Refresher
The EPIC Inpatient Urinalysis order set went live in February to clarify lab orders for urinalysis/culture testing. Refer to the EPIC Tip Sheet as a guide.
The Inpatient Urine Specimen Panel has two test options: Urinalysis Reflex to Culture and Other.
- Urinalysis Reflex to Culture: suggested test code to order for infectious disease workup. Urine Culture is automatically performed ONLY IF the white blood cell (WBC) result is >10/hpf or on a child <2 years of age.
- Other Options:
- Urinalysis, Complete (includes dipstick and microscopic)
- Urinalysis, Reflex to Microscopic (includes dipstick; Microscopic review performed ONLY IF positive for Blood, Protein, Leukocyte Esterase or Nitrite above a trace level.
- Urine Culture Panel
Please note: The EPIC Urinalysis order set in the Emergency Department is a separate order set from the Inpatient one presented here.
If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Hoesl MT(ASCP), system director for hematology, coagulation, and urinalysis, at
This new panel has two options.

- Urinalysis Reflex to Culture
- This is the preferred option when ordering a urinalysis with culture.
- The verbiage in the Comments section specifies the parameters of this order.

- Other UA and Culture Options
- Chose this option for other UA testing
- These are single-pick options
- If Additional Testing – Urine Culture Panel is selected, an auto cancelation after 24 hours is also placed.

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