Dangers of Vaping Becoming Evident

Premier Pulse     October 2019

E-cigarettes (vaping) contain harmful, toxic chemicals that can affect developing brains and cause users to become addicted to nicotine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that “specific substances within e-cigarette products can cause illnesses that are not known and could involve a variety of substances.” Premier Health and Dayton Children’s Hospital are creating patient education flyers for physician offices to hand out to patients when needed.

How can I help my patients? In 2018, 21 percent of high school students reported vaping within the last 30 days, and that number is increasing. During appointments with your patients, including pregnant women, ask them about vaping, and counsel them about the dangers of vaping.

For more information: Visit cdc.gov or app.org and search for “vaping”

Information based on articles from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics (APP), Kids Health, and the New England Journal of Medicine

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