Fidelity Health Care’s Workplace Wellness Division Benefits the Community with Biometric Screenings and Flu Vaccines

Premier Pulse     July 2024

Fidelity’s Workplace Wellness Division is planning for its annual biometric screening and flu vaccination season this fall.  Biometric screenings provide important benefits to the community and workplace while enhancing employee workplace wellness, providing early detection of health issues, reducing health care costs with preventive care, and promoting health awareness in the community. Flu vaccinations provide benefits such as,  

  • preventing illness
  • reducing the severity of illness
  • protecting vulnerable populations
  • decreasing the health care burden on the health systems
  • and contributing to better public health outcomes. 

Year to date, Fidelity’s Workplace Wellness Division has conducted 829 biometric screenings for Premier Health employees and other employers in the Dayton region. This division plans to complete another 3,500 screenings in quarters three and four for a total of 4,329 screenings for the year. Compared to 2023, this is an overall estimated growth of 9.9%, with 12.67% growth in the worksite events and 6.42% growth in the Premier Health employee events. The Workplace Wellness Division plans to administer 10,300 flu vaccines in the third and fourth quarters. This is an overall estimated growth of 6.24% compared to 2023 data, with 11.83% growth in the worksite events and 3.80% growth in the Premier Health employee events.

Workplace Wellness is excited to provide these resources to Premier Health employees and the community. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a biometric screening/flu vaccination clinic, please call Workplace Wellness at (877) 274-4543(877) 274-4543 or email

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