OneFifteen: A New Resource in Dayton
By Scott Kanagy, DO, MBA, chief medical officer, Upper Valley Medical Center
Many individuals who present to the Emergency Room with addiction have several complaints. However, the majority do not require admission to the hospital. Many of these individuals are treated in the ER and then sent back to the very environments and situations that lead to their addictions. Many return to the ER to be treated again for their addiction, sometimes multiple times in a single day. The few hours they are in the ER is often not an adequate amount of time to start a meaningful conversation on how to get help. It is my experience that the resources in the communities in which I have practiced have been limited and are overwhelmed by the need in the community when it comes to addiction.
In 2017, 115 lives were lost each day to unintentional opioid overdoses in the United States. Health care providers were on the front line of this health care epidemic in Montgomery County, which was sadly deemed “Ground Zero” by many. Unfortunately, Dayton continues to have an unacceptably high overdose rate. Verily (a part of Google’s Alphabet Company), Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Premier Health, and Kettering Health all partnered together as a community with a vision and opened OneFifteen in Dayton.
As of today, OneFifteen has treated more than 3,300 patients. OneFifteen offers many treatment options to help individuals in all stages of their disease. First, it offers a Crisis Stabilization Unit, open 24/7 and capable of providing immediate care to individuals with addiction and withdrawal. If inpatient treatment is needed, OneFifteen Inpatient Residential Center provides 24/7 care and support until patients can transition to an outpatient care setting. It also offers an Outpatient Clinic where patients meet with physicians, therapists, and peer-support specialists, as well as participate in group therapy. Also, for those trying to rebuild their lives as they learn to live with addiction, OneFifteen Living provides a safe place for patients to live as they continue their outpatient treatment and look for their own residence. OneFifteen Living is within walking distance of the other sites and offers walking paths, exercise rooms, and meditation rooms. OneFifteen has also embraced technology and uses the OneFifteen Patient Companion App, which allows patients and caregivers to message, meet individually, or join a group virtually, and make and confirm appointments.
OneFifteen meets monthly with local Emergency Department leadership and Emergency Management Services at Premier Health and other local health systems to discuss how best they can help treat patients with addiction in the community.
Many of the individuals whom I have treated over the years could have greatly benefitted from the resources now available in Dayton to treat those who suffer from addiction. The resources offered by OneFifteen are available to anyone who needs help. Please share this valuable resource. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those individuals who suffer from addiction as well as the lives of those who love them.
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