Provider Profile: Jeremy Moore, MD
What is your clinical specialty?
Emergency Medicine
Where did you go to school?
Miami University (OH) – Undergrad
Wright State University – Graduate school (Master of Science in Anatomy)
Wright State University – Medical School
Wright State University – Residency
What brought you to Premier Health?
After medical school, I attended WSU for residency and enjoyed my time in the emergency department at Miami Valley Hospital. It was an easy decision to join the emergency department team at Premier Health after graduation.
Why did you choose medicine as a career?
I love the challenge of daily problem-solving while getting to interact with, and help, others.
Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you?
Dr. Kathryn Tchorz, a surgeon at Premier Health, was instrumental in my transition from graduate school into medical school.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I have a twin sister who lives in Columbus and twin boys of my own at home.
Where is your hometown?
I was born and raised in Kettering and now live in Springboro.
What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?
Cincinnati Bengals- WHO DEY!
What is the last book you read?
“Think Again” by Adam Grant
What is your favorite song in your playlist?
“Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses
What is your favorite food?
Any kind of chips.
What is your favorite hobby?
What is your favorite animal, and why?
Wolves- they are highly intelligent, social animals.
Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?
Curacao- the beaches are beautiful, and the snorkeling is amazing.
Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful:
I am thankful that I could see the Bengals play in Super Bowl LVI in person with my dad and my brother last year (though I am not so thankful for the result)!
Pick a side
iPhone or Android
Early bird or night owl
Night owl
Beach bum or mountain hiker?
Dress shoes or tennis shoes?
Tennis shoes
Paperback or e-reader?
Coffee or tea?
Cooking or baking?
Sweet or salty?
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