Race Relations and What We Must Do

The brutal murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis has provoked reactions of rage and heartbreak, spurring demand for much needed change locally and around the globe.
Premier Health has been a strong leader in diversity and inclusion for decades, but in recent weeks I have learned that we have not done nearly enough. The discussion has widened to better address race relations and what we can do to better ensure everyone at Premier Health feels safe in sharing their feelings, expressing their thoughts, and in being celebrated for who they are. The same is true for how we treat our patients and their family members.
We don’t have all the answers right now, but we are committed to placing much more focus on achieving a culture that consistently welcomes, understands, and applauds our differences and the value of each and every person. Our diversity committee of the Board of Trustees and our facility-based diversity committees are making plans for broader and more meaningful actions. This includes a diversity leadership forum and employee listening sessions on Hurt, Healing, and Hope.
Please view this video. It outlines next steps and some context of our previous work on this topic. As the plans evolve, we will keep you informed and look forward to making this important journey together.
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