Service Line Update: Maternal Fetal Medicine Excellence

Premier Pulse     October 2019

By Lori Scalise, vice president of service integration, women’s and cancer services

Scalise_HS_350x350Premier Health and its referring hospitals are extremely fortunate to have Perinatal Partners and its internationally recognized clinical excellence in our community. These providers deliver exceptional care to women with complicated high-risk pregnancies. Our Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) team is heavily involved in some of the latest research, clinical trials, and education.

Our specialists have developed very close partnerships with obstetrician-gynecologists and hospitals across the 16-county region with one goal in mind – to collaborate and co-manage high-risk pregnancies to help prevent pre-term births and manage conditions that can contribute to high-risk pregnancies.  We have expanded access for patients and now have six locations across the region: Miami Valley Hospital Maternal Fetal Medicine Ultrasound and Genetics; Miami Valley Hospital South in Centerville; and in Vandalia, Middletown, Mason, and Piqua.

Recently, Miami Valley Hospital Maternal Fetal Medicine Ultrasound and Genetics received an ultrasound practice accreditation through the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), a stringent peer-reviewed process that allows practices to demonstrate that they meet or exceed nationally recognized standards in the performance and interpretation of diagnostic ultrasound examinations. Furthermore, two of our MFM specialists (Dr. Jiri Sonek and Dr. Adam Hiett) are certified to perform a specific ovarian tumor ultrasound analysis referred to as International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA). Very few physicians in the United States have gone through this international certification.

Our team has developed the following programs and specialty services for your patients that are co-managed with the referring provider:

  • Diabetes in Pregnancy Program – a multidisciplinary program providing comprehensive care for moms with diabetes prior to pregnancy, as well as moms who develop diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Fetal to Newborn Care Center – a collaboration between Miami Valley Hospital Maternal Fetal Medicine and Dayton Children’s Hospital Pediatric Specialists, which provides a seamless continuum of care for women facing a fetal diagnosis requiring coordinated care through our nurse navigator.
  • Promise to Hope ProgramAn MVH Foundation-funded comprehensive program that provides medical assisted treatment for addicted moms and withdrawal treatment for their babies.     
  • Multiple Miracles Program – will specifically address the needs of patients with multiple gestations.
  • Preeclampsia Screeningour specialists were involved with the latest research which shows that early screening in the first trimester helps detect women who may be at risk. The goal is treating proactively to delay the onset of preeclampsia.
  • Genetic Counseling and Testing
  • Ultrasound Testing and Screening
    • First Trimester Screening
    • Second Trimester Screening
    • Gynecologic Ultrasounds
    • International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA)
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS), Amniocentesis
  • Fetal Monitoring/Non-Stress Test

To make a referral to a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, please call:

Jiri Sonek, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

Christopher Croom, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

David McKenna, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

Melanie Glover, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

1578634275Samantha Weigand, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

Adam Hiett, MD, maternal fetal medicine specialist

Note to providers: Please remind your patients to get their annual mammograms.

Back to the October 2019 issue of Premier Pulse

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