Introducing Dr. Scott Swabb
Premier Health Group (PHG) is pleased to introduce our new Medical Director, Scott W. Swabb D.O. FACOI. Dr. Swabb has been in practice for 24 years and remains in private practice at Premier Internists, Inc. in Troy. In addition, he has worked in a variety of important leadership roles at Premier Health for several years. Such roles have included stints as the Chairman Department of Medicine at Upper Valley Medical Center, the Chairman of the Premier Health Group Quality Committee, as well as membership in the Premier Health Physician Partnership Committee and others.
Dr. Swabb strongly believes that PHG has an important responsibility for helping to educate its providers and delivering key information for the successful delivery of care in the world of metrics and the oversite monitoring of care delivery.
“I’m excited to partner with providers to help them navigate the ever-changing value landscape with resources that will make meeting the new challenges in care delivery more satisfying for the patients and providers,” said Dr. Swabb.
Dr. Swabb’s perspective on value comes with an understanding that it means something different for each audience. Patients, for example may value ease of access, and friendly caring providers that listen and that respond to their needs, but insurance companies may value lower cost, performance metrics and reduced hospitalizations. Providers may value connecting with their patients, meeting evidence-based targets for controlling chronic conditions and improving their patient’s quality of life.
“I think value is the balance of all these factors, and to have true value care we will need to meet and balance the needs of patient, providers and payers,” said Dr. Swabb.
This balance is something he has strived for within his own practice as they have implemented evidenced-based medicine techniques. Dr. Swabb and his staff have created a standardized process for the correct performance of in office blood pressure monitoring and have several chronic condition care plans with evidence-based targets, life style modifications and patient education. He credits these changes for improving overall patient care as well as his team’s confidence as they provide it.
“The entire team is able to understand the patient’s specific disease-based goals and they can feel confident in executing their office duties and helping the patient manage their medical conditions,” said Dr. Swabb.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Swabb!