Answers to Common General Surgery Questions

Premier Health providers answer frequently asked questions about general surgery.

What is a gallbladder attack?

Dr. Steven Sutherin discusses gallbladder attacks. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.


A gallbladder attack happens when liquid in your gallbladder crystalizes and forms a stone full of different substances, Premier Physician Network (PPN) physicians say. The most common substance is cholesterol.

The gallbladder is like a water balloon, and it wants to empty after you eat a meal. It squeezes and pushes to get the liquid out, but a gallstone can block the opening and keep the gallbladder from emptying. This causes a gallbladder attack.

The attack is pain that usually starts suddenly and lasts for a few hours, according to the American Academy of Family PhysiciansOff Site Icon (AAFP).

Talk to your doctor for more information about gallbladder attacks.

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Source: James deCaestecker, DO, FACS, Gem City Surgical Associates; Daniel Taylor, MD, FACS, Miami County Surgeons; L. Stewart Lowry, MD, FACS, Miami County Surgeons; Luan Tran, MD, Miami Valley Surgery Associates; Steven Sutherin, MD, FACS, Miami Valley Surgery Associates

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