Visitor Information
Visitor Restrictions
During respiratory season, help us protect our patients, their families, and our employees by following these guidelines when visiting:
- No children under 14 years old should come to the hospital unless they need medical care. If you feel you have special circumstances, please talk to one of our nursing supervisors.
- All visitors should be healthy. Do not visit if you feel sick or have symptoms of a cold, flu, or another illness.
- Cover your cough. Please request a mask if you are coughing frequently. Otherwise, when you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash, or cough and sneeze into your sleeve.
- Wash your hands frequently.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Tobacco Free Campus
In keeping with Premier Health's commitment to providing the highest quality care in a healthy, safe environment, all Premier Health buildings and grounds are tobacco- and smoke-free. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for respecting our commitment to a healthy community.
Atrium Medical Center
Behavioral Health Pavilion
In order to provide therapy to behavioral health patients, visitors are limited to 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Families may arrange for special visiting accommodations by contacting the team leader at (513) 974-5252(513) 974-5252.
Rehabilitation Center
Therapies occur 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Active participation in therapy may limit patients' ability to receive visitors during these times.
Miami Valley Hospital
Emergency Department
Visitors are permitted in the treatment rooms to visit patients at bedside. Visitation will be limited to two individuals per patient. The information staff or security officer at the entrance to the treatment area will provide clip-on badges identifying the bed number of the patient. Visitors must wear these badges at all times while in the treatment area.
All visitors will be screened through a metal detector prior to entering the emergency department treatment area.
During times that family or friends are not physically with the patient at bedside, the visitors will be asked to wait in the emergency department waiting room.
Adult Intensive Care Units
Visitation to the Adult Intensive Care Units, Heart and Vascular Intensive Care (HVIC), Medical Intensive Care, Neurosurgical Intensive Care, and the Burn Center is encouraged between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The patient’s care team determines visitation for immediate family members. Patients may have up to two visitors at a time. Please see the ICU staff for more detailed information. Visits by children under 13 years of age must be approved by the nursing staff ahead of time.
Behavioral Health Unit
Visitation hours are 11 a.m. to noon, and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Patients may have two visitors at a time.
Maternity (Berry Women's Center)
Visitation is permitted 24 hours a day. Family-centered visitation is encouraged in all phases of care. Visitors must obtain a visitor badge from the Berry Women's Center information desk and display the badge at all times. Visitors without a badge should be directed to the information desk. The patient's children may visit during general visiting hours. All other children must wait in designated waiting areas on each unit and must be attended by an adult. The patient may have four visitors at a time in addition to the support person.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Open visitation is permitted 24 hours a day. However, during physician rounds, visitation is restricted for patient confidentiality reasons. The time of physician rounds is posted at the entrance of the unit. Friends and relatives over age 14 may visit when accompanied by the parent. Visits should be limited to 10 to 15 minutes each hour. No more than four visitors may be at bedside at any time except under special circumstances as discussed with the primary nurse.
Hand washing is necessary upon entry to the nursery and prior to contact with your baby. Please understand that there may be times and situations when visitation is limited for the overall safety of your child and the other infants.
Grandparents may visit unaccompanied by the parent or support person.
Visitors must obtain a visitor badge from the Berry Women's Center information desk and display the badge at all times.
Visitors without a badge should be directed to the information desk before being permitted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Upper Valley Medical Center
Please check with the specific unit for the exact visiting policy for that area.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Caring and support from family and friends is very beneficial to the healing and recovery process. We recognize and respect the importance of your role in your loved one's well-being. We appreciate your support and cooperation!
In order to assure quality care and confidentiality for our patients, we ask that all visitors observe these important visitation guidelines:
- The patient and family will be asked to set up a password for release of information over the phone.
- Please designate a spokesperson. Privacy regulations require us to limit discussions about patients.
- Visitation is encouraged between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Children may visit but must be under adult supervision at all times.
- Please respect the rights and privacy of all patients.
- Please do not disturb sleeping or sedated patients.
- The patient's nurse may restrict visitors or phone calls at any time if needed in the best interest of the patient.
If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please feel free to contact the Progressive Care Unit at (937) 440-4694(937) 440-4694.
After Hours
To ensure a safe environment for family members, patients, and our employees, we restrict evening access to our facilities. A visitor pass is required to visit patients during this time. Visitor passes can be obtained at the main information desk.
Calling a Patient
Each patient telephone has its own direct-dial number. Patients are encouraged to give their number to family and friends so they may reach them directly without going through the hospital switchboard.
Incoming calls to patient rooms are accepted during the following hours:
Atrium Medical Center
7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley Hospital North, Miami Valley Hospital South
7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Upper Valley Medical Center
7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
If you do not have a patient's direct-dial number, please call the patient information line:
Atrium Medical Center
(513) 974-4530(513) 974-4530 or (800) 338-4057(800) 338-4057
Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley Hospital North, Miami Valley Hospital South
(937) 208-8000(937) 208-8000 or (800) 544-0630(800) 544-0630.
Upper Valley Medical Center
(937) 440-4000(937) 440-4000 or (800) 838-3800(800) 838-3800
You will be provided with the patient's direct number and/or connected to the patient's room. Some patients choose not to be listed in the facility directory. In this case, no information about the patient — including confirmation that the individual is a patient — is revealed either to callers or visitors.
Sending Mail, Flowers Or Gifts
Mail and flowers will be delivered to patient rooms by volunteers. Due to patient privacy and confidentiality laws, however, we are unable to deliver mail or flowers to patients who are not listed in our facility directory or who have been discharged. Every reasonable attempt is made to forward mail and flowers.
Flowers are not permitted in the following areas: burn unit, heart and vascular intensive care, blood and marrow transplant unit, medical intensive care, surgical intensive care, neuroscience intensive care, and neonatal intensive care. Mail and flowers are delivered Monday through Friday. The mailroom is closed on weekends.
Hilltop Gift Shop at Atrium Medical Center
For your convenience, the Hilltop Gift Shop stocks fresh and silk flowers and a selection of other gifts to express get-well wishes. Gifts may be ordered by phone and are hand-delivered by hospital volunteers.
Learn more about hospital stays with our Patient Guide.